Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Advertising in the Making

Advertising in the Making

My next twitter account I followed was Barkley: One of the top 10 independent advertising companies. This acount was not exactly helpful in the fact they gave me a lot of advice and ideas, but they did help me in the fact that they shared reports they have collected which helped with strategies of what and what not to do. They kept me up to date and showed me all the new ways advertising is and has been used. 

Baby Steps in Business

Takin' Baby Steps

One of the twitter accounts I followd was PSFK: Inspiring, Creative Business. Their account consisted of helpful hints someone could do to start up an "inspiring, creative business." I found it helpful because they gave me suggestions and ideas that I could follow through if ever I wanted to start my own business. Ideas included recycling old things to create new as well as different strategies. They also had news reports and friendly "warnings," of strategies that a business should not follow. PSFK also had interviews and stories of business owners and companies that can be used as references. All in all, their twitter account and tweets were very helpful and gave me plenty of ideas of a future business. 

Searching through a Magazine’s List

I came across Lucky Magazine’s Twitter List and was impressed on how they utilized this tool. Majority of the magazines I followed do not utilize this tool, but Lucky Magazine used it to their full advantage. Since the magazine follows a lot of people, they used the list to organize different people to show how they relate to the company. It gives recognition to all the contributors of the magazines and also has lists that may be of interest to consumers. For example, they have a list named “Style Advice” which gives a list of all the people you can follow to get tips on how to dress well. The list also contains other magazines also to show how Lucky Magazine is affiliated with the other companies. Overall, lists are a great tool because it allows businesses to recognize the important contributors and also has other helpful lists in who to follow to get the latest news or goods. 

The Way Tweets are Worded.

The topic area that I have decided to follow are fashion magazines because I want to compare how each magazine interacts with their consumers and how they promote themselves through their tweets. After following a couple of known magazines nationwide, I analyzed each magazine’s twitter page and compared its interaction and promotion and found very interesting points in a few of these magazine twitters. For example, Nylon and Marie Claire magazine each target is mainly women, but the age group is different. Nylon is more geared towards teenagers and judging by their twitter page, the tweets they have made are very upbeat and use a lot of exclamation points to make their tweets appealing to these teenage girls. But, Marie Claire is more for middle aged women and the tweets they send out are more polished and tweet about a lot of timeless and classy looks. Overall, I learned that the way these magazine word their tweets takes a lot of time in making sure that their brand is well known. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rise of Larger Smartphones and the Side Effects

People with larger screens use apps more frequently across all the major categories, a report says.Article

The side effect of larger smartphones is in the result of more data usage, for example- usage of apps, Netflix and GPS has shown more usage in larger smartphones than smaller ones. According to the NDP group, In the US, screens that have 4.5 inches and larger use 44% more data than smaller phones. The bigger smartphones use an average of 7.2 GB a month in data and smaller phones has closer to 5 GB a month. Among the apps that are used the most is social media followed by navigation, video, retail and music. They are also becoming more common whereas newer models of tablets are becoming smaller. Some companies are also considering making smartphones larger but for now, it is still in the minority of phones sold. A suggestion for current large phone owners to not get billed on their GB limit per month is to wait and connect to Wi-fi instead of the cellphone net work data before doing any heavy streaming like watching Netflix or YouTube videos for an excessive amount of time.

If you are a smart phone user, do you prefer large or small smart phones?

Monday, November 18, 2013

The New Norm


It's Amazing. It's Unbelievable. It's...Scary.

Have any of you noticed that technology now seems to be "taking over"? Now, when I say "take over," I don't mean that these evil, computer robots are going to rise up and start attacking us with their laser guns, or melt us with their eyes. No, I don't mean that at all, but it does seem to me that we are putting a lot of our "energy" and trust into our technology. I did some research and found some interesting technology gadgets. For my first example: the Concert Hands. This device allows those who want to play the piano but don't know how to play, to become "experts." It is basically a set of robot hands--and fingers!--that guide you through a song until you memorize it. True, this gadget could be very useful and beneficial to those who have learning disabilities, but the best part of playing the piano is the hard work and sweat you put into it--it's the mastering of the piano that makes it worth it. Another quick example would be the iKettle. Yup, we now have a kettle that can be operated from your phone! I know that technology is our new communication, but this may be a bit much. What about the older generation?! ...Now they can't even make coffee!

I know that we need our technology. Our lives revolve around it and it is becoming the norm, but I just think we need to realize the more we rely on our gadgets, the less we are depending on each other and yourself. What's your opinion?



Friday, November 15, 2013

5 Ways to Conquer Instagram For Your Small Business

5 Ways to Conquer Instagram For Your Small Business

Instagram tipsInstagram was invented in 2010 as a social media tool for sharing pictures.  More and more people of ages 18-30 are using Instagram over Facebook making this social media tool a major player for business's.  There are five recommendations steps Instagram can be used successfully for business purposes.  Step one is optimize profile.  Have a public profile and clear high definition images.  Step two is be educated on Instagram you must know how to use it for it to be successful.  Step three is cultivate a following.  Cross platform your social media to Facebook and twitter and make your pictures have interactive attraction.  Step four is enhance photo content.  Best way to do this is customize hash tags.  Step five take advantage of videos.  Instagram offers 15 second videos which gives a lot of wiggle room.  


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How Google is helping the Philippines typhoon survivors

Cnet Article

The biggest Typhoon recorded to this date hit the Philippines a couple of days ago. According to New York Times- homes, city centers, and farms were crushed and tens of thousands of people are missing or presumed dead. The way Google showed effort to help people find loved ones, they launched several tools like the Typhoon Yolanda Crisis Page which helps survivors and emergency responders  gather and relay information in the aftermath of the catastrophe. There is also the Google person finder which is an app that lets people post and search for the status of family and friends who were on ground when the typhoon hit. How this is works is by the person can click on " "I'm Looking for Someone" and type in the person's name; or they can click "I have information about someone" and type in any names or details. This app is also available on mobile phones by letting people text message the word "search" and the missing person's name. Another tool is Google's Typhoon Yolanda Relief Map which is a detailed and extensive map which shows the hardest hit areas along with updates on shelters, hospitals, police stations and much more. This isn't the first time that Google has done this type of work, they have also helped during Hurricane Issac and Sandy, Earthquake that hit Japan in 2011, and also the massive earthquake that hit Chile in 2010. 

What are your thoughts on Google's effort and do you think it is effective?

Monday, November 4, 2013

iPhone CPR

It's Alive!

You are relaxing deep in the softest chair you've ever sat, enjoying the liquid of a steamy, caramel crème brulee running down your throat (shout out to Starbucks!), with your phone in you hand as you are competing with your friends over the best snap chat...when suddenly, it happens. Your phone has just died...

Isn't that the most frustrating thing...EVER!? The truth is, the faster and more powerful the phone and technology, the faster the battery goes down. Engineers have worked on this, and they have come up with a solution--the new iBattz iPhone 5 battery case! This new case allows enough battery for three whole days as well as adds more protection for the phone itself. There is also news of yet another battery case that is waterproof, but the release date is still unknown. The bottom line: there is hope for the iPhone battery crisis! For a little bit more info, check out Mojo Refuel Battery Case. 


Laptop displaying a video web-conference
How evolving technology will change the business world
Technology has rapidly been increasing over the past thirty years especially in the communication in the business world.  The sending of documents used to be a lengthy process now they can be faxed over in minutes.  When executives where out of the office they where nearly impossible to contact now everyone is connected at all times.  The best part about today’s technology is that it’s cheap and very efficient.  Holograms are being redefined as more business want to explore have hologram imaging of people in business meetings.  Companies are also trying to figure out how to make hologram mobile.  This technology of hologram is currently in development and hopefully we will see them in production in the next thirty years there is no telling how far we may come. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sony's revenue swells to $18B on mobile gains

Thursday Sony announced in this fiscal year they gained about 10 percent in revenue but it still did not equal the losses over the past year that tallied 197 million dollars.  This means each individual share lost 19 cents.  The reason Sony isn't down in the dumps yet is because they saw a huge increase in mobile gain that accumulated to about 40 percent of total revenue. Still Sony blue ray players and TV and other non mobile devices saw a gain as well so even though sony main have lost 19 cents a share they are still a main contributor to the technology world.

sean moran

Monday, October 21, 2013

Seat Belts and Goose Bumps

Ghost Driver

Picture going through a McDonald's drive thru and stopping by the window. The McDonald employee opens the window with drink in hand and gets this puzzled look on his face as he sees there is no driver operating the car. Well, the worker shouldn't be too puzzled because this is the future! Engineers and mechanics are presently working on the driverless car, and interestingly, Google is the means behind it. The car drives itself by "cameras inside the car, a sensor on the vehicle’s top, and some radar sensors attached to different positions of the car." I have my own suspicions about this "ghost driver," but it has successfully driven 1609 kilometers by itself...woo! Although this new technology is--I will admit it--cool and intriguing, there is reason for caution...I mean it's a driving car! For a little bit more specifics on the driverless car, check out Google Driverless Cars (10.). Can you picture yourself riding in the passenger seat with the "ghost driver" to your left? Or do you think this is new technology is merely the stepping stone to the future of our automobiles? Hmmm....


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rapid technology innovation creates a smart, mobile world

technology has changed business forever.  Social networks have created a efficient cost effective way to promote and market a companies business with instant appeal and easy access.  the internet is a part of our life, we have mobile access 24 7 and its said that in 2014 we will be connected wirelessly to the internet more than ever before. Smart technology is a the rise and united states isnt even in the top three yet.  From cell phones countries in places like Africa record medical information on phones and there are many more uses for business applications within a cell phone from facebook to the stock market. Governments will continue to grow with technology in some cases they are the fastest to grow because they have the capital to do so.  Governments will invest in military as well as Chinas largest cloud sharing site.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Very First Bookless Library

bibliotech ebooks
The very first bookless library was established on September 14 in San Antonio, Texas named BibloTech. What exactly is a bookless library, It’s basically a library that contains no physical books and currently holds a catalog of 10,000 e-books. An advantage is to make fewer trips to the library to check out or in books, but BibloTech still believe that the library should have a physical presence because it is still considered a key to success. They still consider establish the role of a traditional l library in a sense that it is a part of the community and also because it is placed in a low income neighborhood in which those who don’t have internet access can still come to the library to read books. The 4800 square foot space looks more like an Apple store or Google break room than an actually library with it’s 45 Apple iPads, 40 laptops and 48 desktop computers. Members can check out one of the e-books through the cloud library service which also contains audio books and educational software. So far, BiblioTech has attracted 7,000 members. Do you think that that actual tangible books have more value over e-books and should this be considered a real library? 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Glowin' With The Flow

Glowing in the Dark

        Remember when the smart phones were a big deal, when we were all impressed with the new technology--that's so five minutes ago. Well, now that most everybody possesses them, we are ready for the next BIG thing. In Netherlands, right now, technicians and engineers are working on what they think will bigger than the smart phone--smart. roads. Yes, you read correctly. By mid 2013, Netherlands expects to have their highways equipped with the newest technology allowing better safety pro cautions. How so, you may ask. Well, the designer behind the idea, Daan Roosegaarde, plans to have the highways actually glow in the dark! He also has designed the smart roads to light up large snowflakes on the road when temperatures are low so the driver will know there is a chance of ice. While this would be very impressive and beneficial, we all would still need to take the normal safety pro cautions, such as, turning on the lights and, of course, our common sense. Another interesting mechanism he will install is called "induction lanes." This is an extra lane on the side of the road--basically like our already shoulders on the road--that will be programed to recharge your electronic car. Call me impressed! If that isn't a "smart" road, I don't know what is. Although this is only available in Netherlands, it won't be for long, for many other countries--including countries such as the United States and India--are greatly intrigued by the idea and hope to enjoy this new technology in the future. Check out this interesting video for the specifics and how exactly their smart roads work: Smart Roads.

This almost doesn't even seem possible. At first glance, this idea sounds crazy and expensive and a waste, but if you think about it, it could have some benefits and potential. What do you think? Do you think the United States should invest in "smart roads," or do you think we are better off with the basics?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Instagram: In process of having Ads.

Last month, Instagram has been hinting at the idea of putting ads on their program, But this last Thursday, they decided to put the plan in motion. On their company blog, Instagram concluded that select users in the United States will begin seeing ads in their feeds over the upcoming months. The way they are going to show these ads are to show pictures and a few videos and gradually draw all the users in and not just overwhelm them with ads. The reason why Instagram may have chosen to elect ads on their program is because mobile advertising comprises a large source of revenue and eMarketer research firm found out that spending in the mobile ad space more than doubled to 8.8 billion dollars in this past year alone. Not all may like the idea of ads because earlier this year, Instagram had to change its terms and service to allow the possibility of using users photos into ad campagins. After many negative comments about this feature, Instagram backed off hte policy. An interesting thing that Instagram is giving users the option is to hide ads which may provide middle ground if a user comes across a bad ad. Do you personally like mobile ads to be displayed on the side of the social media that you use? Do you think businesses benefit from this source of advertising?

Monday, September 30, 2013

15% of Adults do not use the Web.

Not everyone is on the internet, to be more precise, about 15 percent of adults have no desire to be on internet. The reasons range from lack of interest, identity theft, or not being able to afford a computer. About 92 percent of these respondents have no desire to be on the internet for a reason. Pew studies also gathered information about older Americans with less education, rural Americans and Hispanic Americans are least likely to be online. The most popular reasons of those who have no use of it say that "just not interested," "don't need it/don't want it," or "think it's a waste of time." Even though these Americans do not use the internet, they still have some access through other persons. About 4 out of 10 non-connected people ask their friend or family member to look up something and nearly a quarter say they live in a household where someone else uses the Web. Do you think these 15 % of Americans are missing out on anything of significance that the internet provides or that they can live without it?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Video Game Life


Living in a Video Game

Have you ever imagined your life in a video game? What if everything around us was computerized and third dimensional. It would definitely be interesting all right! Well, believe it or not, but this is actually in progress! Have you ever heard of augmented reality? Well, it's basically the technical term for a real video-game-like experience one can have. Researchers and engineers pull graphics from your television and computer and then integrate them in a real world environment.  Augmented reality is basically the bridge that has connected us with the video game world. Although this progress in technology can seem a bit overwhelming and excessive, it can be useful in life today. If you are perhaps a tourist, this technology can be useful allowing you to focus on something and instantly know its importance. Or perhaps you're in a new city, you have no idea where you are, and you can't find the bathroom--yes, it will even help you find a bathroom. This is all very impressive technology, but our engineers and researchers continue to impress us. Check out this video to see where researchers see augmented reality taking us: The Internet of Things. Our world is literally changing right in front of us, how are we going to keep up? I don't know about you guys, but while all this is great, it's a little overwhelming to me. What do you think?

Sean Moran post 1


FDA lays out rules for some smartphone health apps

The FDA says they will be releasing applications for smartphones that can and will help people regulate there health.  There are currently 17,000 health apps already in existence, so to me its unlikely that these new apps chances of standing from the other 17,000 is highly unlikely.  But they are saying that these could have heart monitors, and blood pressure readings, which I believe to be a great thing and support.  Applications for our devices seem endless and companies are taking full opportunities to make money off of this app craze.  With it being so much to even create an app companies need to make sure that they will get a proper return on their investment.  All in all I believe technology is going in the right direction with wanting to assist people in a healthier life style but I just dont see the apps making much money because the need for these things is very low.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Smart Phone Web Use

Accessing the internet is becoming effortless through the use of smartphones. Nowadays most Americans would use their phones for the internet and apps rather than to make an actual phone call. Pew Internet & American Life Project reported studies showing that two-thirds of cell-phone owning Americans use their cell phones to surf the Web and check things like emails and social media. This is double the amount from 2009 in which only thirty one percent of cell phone users used their phone for online purposes.  The age groups of 18-29 year olds still are the dominate users of web accessing, but there has been an increase in the 50-64 year old group in online phone using.  With these smart phones getting faster (3G or 4G), screens getting sharper and apps improving, it is making it easier for the consumer to access the web faster. A question arises whether it would be difficult to revert back to a phone that does not have apps or web access after being a smart phone user...

Cnn Article

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Oil Can For An Apple

Robot Teachers
          Who would've thought that a 1960's television show would predict the future? That's right, the popular show "The Jetsons" entertained us with their creative ideas for what they believed the future holds, but one of their "predictions" is literally coming true. It started out as a toy teaching assistant, but the realization of a robot teacher is closer than you think. In 1999, an edtech company called Desire2Learn launched this idea and has now practically completed the project. Although there are still a few problems--what computer doesn't have its problems--some schools today are now using a robot teacher. In my opinion, I think it is rather depressing to think that our technology is competing against our own intelligence and, unfortunately, winning the fight. So, what do you think? Do you encourage the idea of this advancement in our technology, or would you rather stay with the norm? For more information regarding the future robot teachers you can visit Robot Teacher.